Recent research reveals shocking sugar levels in baby food
And could this be the reason why your baby isn’t sleeping through the night?
The Research was carried out by Professor Graham MacGregor, who is chairman of the Action on Sugar group, based at Queen Mary University Hospital of London and reported by the Daily Mail — referenced below.
Sadly this comes as no surprise to me and I have known for years that the levels of sugar in baby pouches is far higher than we are led to believe. Well-meaning, responsible parents buy these pouches mistakenly thinking they are providing their babies with a healthier option and are unaware of the dangerous sugar levels in these purportedly ‘healthy’ breakfast pouches.
Another angle that I have pondered for a long time is the fact that most of this food was actually made and packaged, weeks, possibly months before your baby was even born! So my question would be — where are and what are these so-called and claimed ‘health’ benefits?
This report is just one amongst many that are emerging and alerting, us to the hidden dangers of using pouched baby food. The simple fact that there are no guideline limits currently in place relating to sugar levels for under 4 year-olds is simply shocking and this allows manufacturers to avoid the transparency that parents need and should be given through comprehensively, truthful labelling.
Over the years I have advised parents where possible, to avoid the pre-made, pouched food and to cook from scratch using unprocessed ingredients — you can find further information relating to diet and gut-health in both my books: My Books | Magic Sleep Fairy
A client with an eight-month old baby recently contacted me again, as her baby had started to wake during the night and was up from 4:30/5am most days, having previously been a great sleeper. This was not due to any age-related sleep regression or separation anxiety as many others would suggest, (another myth I explain and dispel in my books) but to me was clearly related to the sugar-laden food from the pouches, causing irritation to her gut. Like many others, the busy Mum was buying these pouches as an easy option, in the mistaken belief that this was a healthy choice due to the misleading marketing by the manufacturers!
This is the message I have just received from this client, Sophie Burrows, which says it all:
“Hi Alison, I’ve been meaning to message you for a while but evidently kept getting distracted! Within a few days of cutting out the pouches, Lily went back to her usual, eating, sleep-queen self. I never in a million years would’ve put two and two together on the pouches, so thank you so much. I’ve also started introducing some gluten into her diet and she seems to be fine with it, so v happy about that too xxx”
If you would like more information or help with your little one’s weaning journey, diet, gut-health, routine or sleep please do refer to both my books or you can get direct, one-to-one advice by booking a consultation with me.
All details can be found on my website: Booking Form | Magic Sleep Fairy